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This policy and the associated procedure document are required to comply with the Welsh Language Standards. The Compliance Notice produced by the Welsh Language Commissioner in accordance with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 enforces specific Standards on Dyfed-Powys Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPPC) in relation to the service we must provide to our staff, officers and communities through the medium of Welsh.
The Compliance Notices also provide specific Standards as to the Welsh language lessons which we should be making available for our staff, officers and volunteers.
Applies (but not limited) to: All categories of Dyfed-Powys Police officers and staff, whether full-time, part-time, permanent, fixed term, temporary (including agency staff, associates and contractors), seconded staff and volunteers. Police Officers, staff and volunteers accessing and using Force assets and property must have due regard to the contents of this policy.
Dyfed-Powys Police and the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dyfed-Powys recognise the benefits for its staff, officers and volunteers in having the necessary Welsh language skills to provide a Welsh language service to our communities. It also recognises the benefits to our communities in being able to converse with members of Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC through their preferred language.
The aim of this policy is to set out the commitment of Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language in the workplace. This policy and associated procedure also ensure that all staff and officers within Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC who are seeking to meet the organisational Welsh language requirements and/or have an interest in learning Welsh have the relevant information as to how they may apply for internal lessons. It also aims to provide line managers with the relevant information required to allow them to support their staff and officers in making such applications.
This policy applies to all staff, officers and volunteers of Dyfed-Powys Police.
This policy is required to comply with the Welsh Language Standards.
Related procedure document(s):
Legal requirement(s):
Dyfed-Powys Police Level 1 Welsh Language Requirement
All Dyfed-Powys Police staff and officers are required to communicate through the medium of Welsh to level 1. If staff and officers are unable to communicate to this level, staff and officers are granted 6 months from appointment in the role to achieve this level. There are Welsh learning opportunities in Dyfed-Powys Police to assist staff and officers in achieving this level. Depending on the role, there may be a requirement for a higher Welsh language level requirement.
If an employee struggles to meet this requirement, Dyfed-Powys Police will work collaboratively through a tailored support plan, offering reasonable adjustments where necessary and proportionate. This may include additional time, one-to-one support from a champion, or alternative assessment methods. Regular reviews will ensure fair and constructive feedback. Should an employee be unable to meet the requirement despite this support, further steps may be taken in line with our performance management policy. Our goal is to create a supportive learning environment while maintaining essential business standards.
DPPi2 (Dyfed-Powys Police intranet)
Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC can access the Equality, Diversity and Welsh Language department’s intranet page, which includes resources related to the Welsh Language. The page is updated with information on the Welsh Language Standards, a glossary, guidance and many resources to support using the Welsh language at work.
Welsh Language Champions
Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC operates a Welsh Language Champions scheme that is facilitated and monitored by the Equality, Diversity and Welsh Language Department. The purpose of the scheme is to support learners who have learnt enough Welsh to hold a conversation in the language. The objectives of the scheme are to:
Welsh Language Software
Cysill and Cysgeir
All staff, officers and volunteers have access to software which can assist them with using the Welsh language in the workplace.
Microsoft packages in Welsh
All staff, officers and volunteers are able to use Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office packages in Welsh.
Welsh Language Badges
All staff, officers and volunteers can obtain badges indicating whether they are Welsh speakers or learning Welsh. Such badges are available from the Learning and Development department for staff and volunteers, and from HQ Stores for PCSOs and Police Officers.
Translation Facilities
To assist staff, officers and volunteers in delivering a Welsh language service to their communities, the Translation Unit can provide translation support as necessary. Requests for this service can be made via the Workstream Tracker system – a link to access the tracker is available on the home page of the intranet. A Service Level Agreement document can be accessed when using the Workstream Tracker system, which outlines the timescales for the return of work and how to submit a request.
Support to Comply with the Welsh Language Standards
The Equality, Diversity and Welsh Language department has overall responsibility for supporting Dyfed-Powys Police in complying with the Welsh Language Standards.
The Business Manager has responsibility for ensuring compliance for the Dyfed-Powys OPCC, with support from the Dyfed-Powys Police Equality, Diversity and Welsh Language Department.
Such support includes the provision of written and verbal advice regarding compliance, development of guidance and supporting documents and signposting to relevant support available to learn and develop language.
The Equality, Diversity and Welsh Language department has overall responsibility for the promotion of the Welsh Language through regular campaigns internally.
Yr Iaith ar Waith (Welsh at Work)
Dyfed-Powys Police facilitates and supports the facilitation of Yr Iaith ar Waith which is also attended by the OPCC.
The purpose of this quarterly group meeting is to promote the value and importance of the Welsh language for Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC and to further progress work around the Welsh language on a tactical level. It is a forum whereby issues raised internally, whether by the Welsh Language Champions, Embracing Diverse Representation Group, departments or members of staff, officers and volunteers, can be resolved through collaborative working between departments.
As well as resolving issues which have been brought to its attention, the group also look to proactively develop and promote the use Welsh language within Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC. For further detail on the remit of the group, please read the terms of reference.
Opportunities to learn Welsh
Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC provide opportunities for staff, officers and volunteers to attend Welsh language lessons.
Welsh language training is offered to student officers and PCSOs while training in Headquarters to support them to use basic conversational Welsh with the public and comply with the Welsh Language Standards.
As part of the transferring into Dyfed-Powys Police, an input is provided to ensure understanding of the Welsh Language Standards and to provide basic training to support them to achieve the Level 1 requirement.
Welsh language training is offered in each Local Policing Area at least once every year to support officers to reach the Level 1 requirement.
Courses will be delivered in accordance with the Dyfed-Powys Police’s Welsh Language Strategy.
Although Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC endeavour to make opportunities for learning available to all staff and officers who wish to participate, it is noted that in some instances, should a course reach maximum capacity, places will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Every care will be taken to offer an alternative course, however in the event where this isn’t possible, names will be collated on a waiting list in the event spaces become available. In addition, dates for new courses are shared with interested parties on the waiting list before they are shared on the intranet or all-user e-mail, to allow those individuals every chance to attend the courses.
Staff, officers and volunteers will be given time to attend courses during their working day.
Details on how to apply for Welsh Language courses is available via the procedure document.
Complaints, performance and disciplinary matters
Processes and policies relating to these matters include information on the Welsh Language Standards. Please refer directly to these documents for information on how Dyfed-Powys Police complies with the Compliance Notice document.
Dyfed-Powys Police and the OPCC publish a strategy, an annual report and information on each of the standards that apply. Strategy documents, annual reports and decision notices/investigation reports are published on respective websites:
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics principles are relevant to this policy:
This policy and the associated procedure document will be reviewed every three years.
The Equality, Diversity and Welsh Language Officer within the Equality, Diversity and Welsh Language Department is responsible for reviewing this policy and procedure.
Any amendments to the policy or procedure document will be overseen and approved by the Joint Negotiating Consultative Committee (JNCC) and its informal consultative meeting. The policy will also be monitored for effectiveness at the Yr Iaith ar Waith (Welsh at Work) group.
This policy has been drafted in accordance with the Code of Ethics and has been reviewed on the basis of its content and the supporting evidence and it is deemed compliant with that Code and the principles underpinning it.
This policy has been drafted in accordance with the Human Rights Act and has been reviewed on the basis of its content and the supporting evidence and it is deemed compliant with that Act and the principles underpinning it.
Section 4 of the Equality Act 2010 sets out the protected characteristics that qualify for protection under the Act as follows: Age; Disability; Gender Reassignment; Marriage and Civil Partnership; Pregnancy and Maternity; Race; Religion or Belief; Sex; Sexual Orientation.
The public sector equality duty places a proactive legal requirement on public bodies to have regard, in the exercise of their functions, to the need to:
The equality duty applies to all protected characteristics with the exception of Marriage and Civil Partnership, to which only the duty to have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination applies.
Carrying out an equality impact assessment involves systematically assessing the likely or actual effects of policies on people in respect of all the protected characteristics set out above. An equality impact assessment should be carried out on any policy that is relevant to the public sector equality duty.