Gallwch adael y wefan hon yn gyflym drwy wasgu’r fysell Escape Allanfa Gyflym
Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i’n gwefan weithio. Hoffem osod cwcis ychwanegol fel y gallwn gofio eich dewisiadau a deall sut rydych yn defnyddio ein gwefan.
Gallwch reoli eich dewisiadau a gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd drwy glicio ar “Addasu cwcis” isod. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn defnyddio cwcis, gweler ein Hysbysiad cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae’n ddrwg gennym, roedd problem dechnegol. Rhowch gynnig arall arni.
Diolch am roi cynnig ar fersiwn 'beta' ein gwefan newydd. Mae'n waith ar y gweill, byddwn yn ychwanegu gwasanaethau newydd dros yr wythnosau nesaf, felly cymerwch gip a gadewch i ni wybod beth yw eich barn chi.
FOI Reference: 757/2022
Please confirm how much has been spent in paying salaries of officers who were suspended on paid leave later:
a.) dismissed from the force
b.) found guilty of misconduct after they resigned/retired from the force?
Please provide this information for the past five financial years (up to the 2021/2022 financial year).
Clarification: Please ensure the data reflects the total amount paid - so if it spans three years, divide the figure by three, and provide this figure for each consecutive year, so that it provides a fair and accurate reflection?
Further Clarification: If it's easier, you can also just provide the total amount in the year that they were eventually dismissed.
I can confirm that Dyfed-Powys Police does hold the information requested, as outlined below.
Year |
PC Rank |
2017/2018 |
£0.00 |
2018/2019 |
£70,402.55 |
2019/2020 |
£58,055.80 |
2020/2021 |
£44,178.59 |
2021/2022 |
£27,476.35 |
Please note: All officers were of PC rank.
It should be noted that as a result of the systems adopted by Dyfed-Powys Police in relation to the recording of such information that the information released may or may not be accurate.
(This is a response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and disclosed on 23/01/2023)